How can you not be inspired by a stunning sunrise? Something so majestic and beautiful--an aweing wonder that makes life's small dissapointments seem so insignificant in comparison.
As hushed pinks and mulled purples push through the horizon, these soft dusty tones spread out across the sky like splayed fingers across the face of innocense.
A new dawn, a new beginning, A promise of comfort & peace--for now; for just this moment when everything is alright in the world--when everything is standing still. Drink it in. Hold this gift on the tip of your tongue, until you can taste the possibilities.
Only then swallow, so you too can write a part of this chapter in the story called life.
Inspired by the colors in a sunrise: After the rain Dress
Just finished a photo shoot for our on-line boutique, SimplyHome. All of the pictures are so beautiful, and it is going to be toooo hard to pick only a few to feature on-line to showcase our fashion. These gals, the models (Katie & Zoe), are beyond beautiful to look at. They are respectful, polite, fun, charming and all around sweet-natured young ladies. Most behavior is learned, so kudos to their Mamas. But, the true caliber of an individual is what is on the inside.
“People often say that 'beauty is in the eye of the beholder,' and I say that the most liberating thing about beauty is realizing that you are the beholder. This empowers us to find beauty in places where others have not dared to look, including inside ourselves.” Salma Hayek
Nothing is better on a hot summer evening than home-made ice cream. Yummy. There is somthing to be said about this good, old-fashioned treat that makes kids, and the kids-at-heart, smile. Yes, the cream adds an extra calorie or two, but how can you pass up all natural fun made with whatever you want?....if you love fruit; well, add strawberries or cherrys.....add some chocolate or pecans....if that is what you feel like--the sky is the limit. Personally, I have fell in love with Austin's Home-Made Ice Cream in a neighboring sleepy little town Kenova, WV. Cinnamon is to die for as well as the Kaluha Crunch. How could you possibly make it any better, you ask? Serve it in handmade cups on a super funky fun tray from MacBeth. An inspiring way to beat the heat!