Update with Paint
I am not doing all that great blogging and want to apologize to our readers.......definitely working full-time, being a wife, mother and also running an on-line boutique--A Southern Co with its services such as: Feather Your Nest....well it IS a lot of work. A labor or love. Work. But, most definitely fun. We all are busy and need to fill our "down" time (what you carve-out or schedule for yourself) with things that make us happy, add comfort and remind us of what is really important.
Time is important to me. Time is also money in a way. So, how do we spruce up our roost to make us happy and comfortable so we can spend more time with our family instead of laboring over an intensive project.... One work answer, Paint.
This is my one easy go-to decorating step. Don't throw it out. Paint it. You can paint almost anything to update, upgrade, re-purpose and re-hab your style.
We used this technique with a great 1950's buffet that I found at the flea market for $65.00 pictured below:
A Diversion
How do you find a good piece to breath new life into it? Look for clean lines, interesting detail and make sure it is in good working order and in decent condition. I don't mind a few dings and scratches...it gives a piece some character--and makes is more appealing. These items have already had one life and must have stories to tell. I try to teach my daughter this....everyone has a story and not to judge someone by their appearance or "cover".
Flea markets are a great place to find hidden treasures. I found the buffet tucked away in this booth. You just have to hunt and be open to possibilities. Of course, if you are looking for something particular...you most likely will not find it. Choose things that you are drawn to and I promise you will find a place.
Here our "Guy" is wrapping the buffet with plastic to protect the wood and to keep the doors and drawers shut. It is good to always bring a tape measure, have measurements of certain "ideal" spaces for a needed piece such as a foyer or entry, under a window or beside a fireplace. Personally, I am bad about this and often underestimate the size of things and where I think they will go....I did do just that with this piece, but more about that later.
The sweetest man on earth helped load this heavy thing into the truck without complaint and in the mud. My Husband helped. Just kidding. My Husband, The One, is the sweetest man and he helps with anything I ask. I am very lucky.
Definitely too long for the bed of the truck with the tool box in there. We had to lay it on its side and tie it down. We typically carry pillows and old blankets with us when we go on a flea-market run. You never know what you may find. We also always have tie-down straps in our tool box.
A Diversion
So, on our way home, we made a "pit-stop" at our local Chevrolet Dealer: Dutch Miller Chevrolet It was a beautiful day at the end of February and we had already researched the idea of possibly buying a new Truck. February is "truck" month with Chevrolet and with the $7500.00 tax credit, cash incentives and our older white Silverado (paid for) to trade...it was almost a no-brainer. We had a great salesman, John who was a non-bull-sh@# person to deal with....so we bought a new truck. On a Sunday even.
So how great is that? Too go out for breakfast on a Sunday morning, hop on over to the flea market and find a great buffet piece to re-do, drive by the Chevy dealer to "look" once more and come home with a new truck. I am sure we looked like the Beverly Hillbilly's cruisin' in to the dealership with an antique buffet in the back wrapped in plastic....No problem....the salesman had a few handy guy to just move the cargo over. We LOVE our new truck.
Here is a recent pic of the "other" treasure we found while flea-marketing. Think about all the great find we can lug home in this thing. My husband thinks it is for him....but really it is for me and I just let him think it is for him....haha
Back to our buffet
sorry for the digression......but that is exactly how our day went.
Back to our object of affection. So, on a warm Spring day about a month after we bought the buffet, we hauled it outside on the sidewalk and gathered the needed materials:
1) Item needed painted
2) Fine grit sanding sponge
3) Wash Cloth or cleaning cloth (damp)
4) Phillips Head Screwdriver
5) Mixed paint color desired: 1 quart (could possibly use 2 sample sizes)
6) Paint pan x2
7) Paint roller x2
8) 2 inch Paint brush x2
9) Primer
10) New knobs
Up close view. Knobs were in great shape....but not very fun. You could use them as is, paint them or change them out. I opted to change them and then donate the original to the Re-Store
Step 1) Remove all drawers and knobs
Step 2) Sand all surfaces with the fine-grit sanding sponge
(can buy at Lowes for a few dollars for a 2/pk)
Oops left on a knob
Step 3) Wipe down all surfaces with a damp cloth to take away all dust
Step 4) Prime all surfaces, including drawer front and interior if you want to paint that as well
Step 5) Paint with chosen color.
I chose a cherry orange color from Behr Ultra (Made by Home Depot) About $8.00
I like this paint because it has a built in primer...and although I still prime, it insures a smooth one-coat coverage no-matter the color and it is think and easy to work with. It also dries really fast.
Keep in mind when you paint, you need to be in a well ventilated area or outside. You also need to be above 50 degrees if at all possible and it is best to not have a lot of humidity in the air. It takes longer to dry with a lot of humidity.
First roll your paint onto the larger areas and use your brush to do the legs and to paint the small places like the front of the buffet where the drawers go. Let dry
Step 6) Install your new knobs.
I picked mine out from Hobby Lobby. It is good to take an old one with you so you know what size to get. Don't let the price tag fool you. They have sales all the time and I think the knobs are always 50% off. So $15 for knobs
Hocus Pocus The Unveiling:
How cute, right? This was easy peasy in as little as 6 steps and for under $25.00. $90.00 in total for the everything, not bad for a great piece of furniture. Now, the hard part--where to put it. Originally I purchased this to go in the dining room under a higher than normal window to serve its natural purpose: A buffet. But, it was too wide.....Oh bother. So, it was moved upstairs to the office. Notice the lovely vintage yellow paint and new re-finished floors.
I played around with accessories before settling on anything.
Add a little shine: the lamp with burlap shade
Throw in some texture: The owl or even mirror with distressed frame
Something of interest: The wooden E
Try these on for size.....love the textured structured tote: bicycle is part of our Logo. Black always adds interest: knobs and buffet are enough color...don't want to blind anyone here.
You Be The Judge:
Help me decide on what accessories to use: Comment on this post for your favorite version: Or give me some ideas you may have.
#1) the Bicycle
#2) the &
#3) the Owl
Let us know which you prefer. As you can see it is easy, not very time consuming and very cost efficient to make-over a flea-market find with paint. Yard sales, estate sales, goodwill and second-hand furniture stores are great places to search for a treasure.
We hope you enjoyed this post. Check back weekly as we are transforming this traditional two-story brick house into a colorful and modern show-case home. If you are interested in seeing the grand-reveal in person, drop us your email so we can send you an invite....Hopefully only a few more weeks.
Do you have a special find that you spruced up with paint? Share it with us: Inquiring minds want to know.